06 Juli 2015

Das Land der Denker und Gründer

Unser Wohlstand wird im Digitalen neu erschaffen.

17 Dezember 2013

Wie wir in Zukunft
leben werden

Ein Bericht, wie SmartHome unser Leben komfortabler macht.

12 September 2013

10 Big Lessons
from Hackfwd

I would like to announce that we have stopped accepting new startups into HackFwd three years, three months and three days after we first began supporting Europe’s most passionate geeks.

This also seems like a great opportunity to share the lessons that we have learned to date.

I wish I could be pithy, but there’s a bigger story worth telling. If you’ll indulge me, I’d love to share my thoughts about what we did right and what we did wrong.

Let me back up a moment.

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